Monday, April 27, 2015

Blog #19: Independent Component #2

Title:  Independent Component 2
Label:  Independent Component
Due Date:  Monday, 4/27 by 8AM


(a) Include this statement: “I, Hasan Mansoor Khan, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours and 40 minutes of work.”

(b) Cite your source regarding who or what article or book helped you complete the independent component.

1. My mentor helped me with this because I observed him conduct multiple procedures and this wouldn't be possible if he didn't permit to do so.

2. This article about Cardiac Catherizations helped me because majority of the procedures I saw this time in my independent component were Cardiac Catherizations on the heart:

3. My independent component is only possible because the Cath Lab staff, the Cardiologists, and the Cath Lab Techs allowed me such opportunities.

(c) Update your Independent Component 2 Log (which should be under your Senior Project Hours link)

(d) Explain what you completed.  

1. Watch procedures in the Catherization Lab.

2. Volunteer in the Catherization Lab.

Defend your work and explain the component's significance and how it demonstrates 30 hours of work.   Provide evidence (photos, transcript, art work, videos, etc) of the 30 hours of work.

Independent Component #2 has once again helped me with my senior project on Cardiology by giving me a good foundation in certain aspects of it. It has once again allowed me to make new connections and strengthen previous ones. It has granted me new exposure and experiences which will play a crucial role in helping my pursuit of medicine.

[Pictures at the end of this blog]

How did the component help you answer your EQ? Please include specific examples to illustrate how it helped.

Essential Question: What steps can be taken to ensure the health and well-being of a cardiac patient?

Answer 1: A patient should opt to undergo a cardiac surgery.

My independent component #2 helped me answer this because I was able to observe multiple procedures, the ones that patients in my answer would undergo, and by doing so, I was able to see how it is done and what happens throughout the process.

Answer 2: A cardiologist should practice excellent bedside manner.

My independent component #2 helped me answer this because I was able to see how Dr. Muthiah treated his patients and the family members of the patient through excellent character which was beneficial for the patient. I was also able to see a certain nurse, Jason Larson, conduct excellent bedside manner with his patients as well which helped me answer my EQ even though he isn't a cardiologist. I wouldn't have been able to observe Jason had I not volunteered in the Cath Lab.

I will now change my Answer #2 to: 'Both the nurses and cardiologist should practice excellent bedside manner'. I am changing it to this now because after witnessing Jason treat his fellow patients with such good care and respect and how as a result, the patient experienced happiness which caused increased recovery speed. This reminded me how responsible the nurses is as well in the treatment of a patient.

Answer 3: A patient should opt to attend regular cardiac rehab sessions.

My independent component #2 helped me answer this because I was able to see what causes the need for patients to actually have to join cardiac rehab. In two of the procedures I watched, both patients needed open-heart surgery, specifically Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery, which would cause strain on their body. To relieve this strain, the patient would then need to attend Cardiac Rehab to recover and regain their original and natural bodily strength.

Grading Criteria
Log on a digital spreadsheet under Senior Project Hours
Evidence of 30 hours of work
LIA submitted to blog

Me at the PVHMC Junior Volunteer Banquet at Kellogg West in Cal Poly Pomona University. I came from independent component in the morning to my college class to this banquet on Friday, April 10. (From left) Hunter Mittelstaedt, Conor O'Brien, Me, Phillip Chung, and John. 

Me checking the expiration dates in Cath Lab

Me answering the phone in Cath Lab

Me posing after a procedure

I was the pizza guy right here. I had to deliver about 10 boxes of Round Table pizza to Tele Station 1 using the Cath Lab cart

Picture of me and Cath Lab nurses. (From left) Alma, Jason Larson, Me, and Robert. 

Me and Sebrina Jones at PACU

Me and my good volunteer friend Sujay Dayal at PACU

Me at Cath Lab

Cath Lab when it is empty. Procedure rooms are not in here. 

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